Links to my blues & gospel friends
219 Records
41 South Band
APO Records
Abi Wallenstein
Acoustic Music Records
Adrian Duke
Al "Coffee" McDaniel
Alex Gomez
Alligator Records
Alvin Lee
Andrew Strong
Andy Coats
Animated Music
Anne Weiss
Anni Piper
Anthony Gomes
Apostle Andre Williams
Arcola Records
Armadillo Music Ltd
Ava Dupree
Bad Daddy Records
Barbara Blue
Barry Cuda
Barry McCabe
Basin Street Records
Beaty Four Entertainment
Big Harmonica Bob
Big Mo Records
Billy Goodman
Black And Tan Records
Black And Tan Store
Black River Bluesman
Blind Pig Records
Blue Rapture
Blue Shoe Project
Blue Storm Music
Blue Voodoo Band
Blues In London
Blues In London Records
Blues On First
Blues Zone Band
Bluestone Co.
Bob Dorr & The Blue Band
Bob Malone
Bob Spencer
Bobby Rush
Brad Wilson
Brian Black
Broke & Hungry Records
Bryan Himes
Bulldog Gravy
Buzz Records
By Faith Records
C.T. Thompson
Capital Entertainment
CaseQuarter Records
Cathy Jean
Cee Pee Vee Records
Charlene Grant
Charles Wilson
Christian Dozzler
Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown
Code Blue
CrossCut Records
Crow's Feet Productions
Dallas Hodge
Dan Kaplan
Dan Lange
Dan Treanor
Danny Brooks
Dave Gross
David Cline
David Gogo
David Maxwell
Deacon John Moore
Delta Groove Productions
Dennis Jones
Dixiefrog Records
Doc Blues Records
Document Records
Don Hooper
Don Wise
Doug Cash
Doug Cox
Earl Thomas
Eb Davis
El Toro Records
Elam McKnight
Ernie Hawkins
Felonius Blues Revue
Fernando Jones
Flattop Tom
Flavio Guimaraes
Floyd Lee
Gail DelSavio
Gail Jo & The Criminals of Love
George Gusman
Gina Sicilia
Grana Louise
Guitar Nick & Blue Al
Gwyn Ashton
Hans Theessink
Harmonica Buzz
Harmonica Shah
Harvest Time Blues Festival
Henry Chung
Hitman Blues Band
Hooter's Blues
Howard Glazer
Inside Sounds
J.Hill & Hartling
J.W. Entertainment
JSP Records
James Harman
James Rogers
James Van Buren
Jean Shy
Jeff Chaz
Jefferson Blues Mag. (Scandinavian Blues Association)
Jeremiah Sammartano
Jerome Washington Express
Jim Branca
Jim Mesi
Jimi Bott
Jimmy Baker
Jimmy Burns
Joe Price
Joe Zook & The Blues Deluxe
John "Broadway" Tucker
John Gaar
John Lee Hooker, Jr.
John Owens & C. Carlyle Chalk
Johnny Bonneville
Johnny Hoy & The Bluefish
Johnny Sansone
Jolly Jumper & Big Moe
Joseph "UJ" Miller
Josh Bramhall
Jr. Johnny
Keith Doder
Keith Dunn
Kejo Entertainment
Kenny Son Civale
Kurt Crandall
L.A. Jones
Labor Records
Larry Craig
Les Dudek
Livin' Blues
Lloyd Thayer
Lynn Manderson
M.T. Leon
Mambo Sons
Mamon & Mamon
Mare Edstrom
Mark McDonald
Mark Schlaefer
Mary 4 Music
Mary Flower
Matt Woods
Mean Gene Kelton
Melissa Deacon & The Mighty Rhythm Kings
Men In Blues
Michael John & The Bottom Line
Michael Maass
Michael Osborn
Michael Pickett
Mighty Sam McClain
Mike Dugan
Mike Esposito
Mike Santana
Milton Kerr
Mississippi Heat
Moody Scott
Mountain Top Productions
Music Maker Relief Foundation
Nancy Terzian
New Music Label
O'Donel Levy
O4D Blues Band
Okolice Bluesa
Oscar Jordan
Papa Salty
Parliament Records
Pat O'Brien
Paul Filipowicz
Paul O'Brien
Pete "Big Dog" Fetters
Peter Nande
Piedmont Talent Agency
Plaehn & Hino
Preacher Boy
Preston Smith
Queen Esther
Random Chance Records
Revenant Records
Richard Flohil & Associates
Riverside Records
Robert Ross
Robert Seven-Crows
Robin Henkel
Robin O'Herin
Rock Serwis
Ron Hacker
Ron Watson
Ronnie Peterson
Ronnie Ray
Roxanne Potvin
Ruf Records
Sam "Bluzman" Taylor
Sarasota Slim
Sauce Boss
Savage City
Scott Taradash
Severn Records
Sharon McMahan
Sirens Records
Sistah Blue
Skyla Burrell
Smokehouse Porter & Miss Mamie
Sonny Robertson
Soul Food Records
Southern Records Group
Stacy Phillips
Steve Baker
Steve Grams & Danny Krieger
Steve White
Steven Scott
Steven Seagal
Sue Burkhart
Sue Palmer
Svet Boogie Band
Tenry Johns
Teresa James
The Carpenter Ants
The Faithful Gospel Singers
The Five Points Band
The Heartmurmurs
The Mannish Boys
The Musik Faktory / Great Recordings
The Renovators
The Roger Grike Band
The Shades
The Stumble
The Underdogs
Tipitina's Records
Tom Yoder
Tony Furtado
Top Cat Records
Travis "Moonchild" Haddix
Uncle John Turner
Valve Records
Vargas Blues Band
Vasti Jackson
W.C. Spencer
W.D. Dailey
Walker T. Ryan
Willie Salomon
Wixom Slim
Wolf Records
World CD Search
Zac Harmon
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